Alla inlägg under februari 2012


Av Karlsson - 27 februari 2012 09:21

Ringde företaget som jag fått intervjun med och berättade om mitt tillstånd. Även om jag är mycket bättre än vad jag varit så är jag ju inte helt frisk iom hostan och rosslande så min intervju ikväll är inställd. Jag hoppas nu att de hör av sig och att jag får komma dit en annan dag. Men känner att detta var rätt beslut, känns inte rätt att komma dit och kanske smitta någon, lillan är kanske infektionskänslig..

Så det får bli en liten annan trip ist tror jag. Men än så länge är det hemligt vart det bär.. Ngn som fyller år i dagarna kanske. :P

xoxo Sofia

Av Karlsson - 27 februari 2012 07:32

Ja jag kör vidare på svenska lite till. Ni i staterna kan översätta till engelska, eller så får ni nu möjlighet till att träna på er svenska.

Helgen har varit lugn och skön. Har kryat på mig ordentligt faktikst. Inatt har jag tom sovit hela natten, inte vaknat och hostat, vaknade tom av klockan kl 7, kryss i taket. 

Igår var det helt underbart väder så jag var ute på två lång promenader, första ute i skogen på tre timmar(brukar inte ta mer än två, men gick ganska långsamt), vi stannade även och sa hej till Bällas fina hästar. När jag kom hem och varit hemma i en kvart så ringde grannen och frågade om jag var sugen på bebispromenad och självklart var jag det, förklarade dock att jag varit sjuk men det hade de också varit så skulle inte vara ngr problem så jag och lilla hjärtat tog en promenix och mötte upp A för lite skvaller och en trevlig promenad. Snacka om att jag somnade fort igår, inte så konstigt ändå efter två sådana promenader och så har jag ju inte rört på mig sedan onsdags. 

Idag står lite telefonsamtal på schemat, skulle behöva ta mig till tandläkaren och teckna den där försäkringen och sedan blir det nog en trip till Lund. Ikväll är det ju intervju där nere! :) Jag ska dock ringa och höra så att det inte är några problem med att jag varit sjuk och att jag fortfarande hostar lite. Men vill så gärna ner. Hade även tänkt åka ner lite tidigare så jag hann gå på stan lite, skulle behöva ett par svarta byxor, så ett litet besök på gina tricot ser jag framemot. 

Nej, dags att börja jobba mer. 

xoxo Sofia

Av Karlsson - 24 februari 2012 15:44

Today my former boss called and told me that they really want me on two places here in Osby. One grouphome and also there they work. They are going to call me next week because I am not so good today, 40 degrees celcius fever this morning. My body is like dead, it is hurting. But now after two painkillers I am feeling little better. So I hope that I will be better soon so I can start soon..

I am so happy right know. I did had a interview in Lund on monday, but I have deside if I should call them and say no or if I should go to the interview anyway, just for some practise. We will see, it depends on if I am healty too.

Time to get some more sleep before mommy is coming so I can be social with her when she is home.

xoxo Sofia

Av Karlsson - 23 februari 2012 09:29

Where did the energy go? And why do I keep wake up so early in the morning, that is ruin my days. 

But soon Im going to take my little bump out of this very warm bed and get some clothes on and get out, today the sun is shining, and I have to get some energy for this afternoon, I think it is time for my second run. The snow and the ice is almost gone so I think it will be a good run. 

Today when I looked in the mirror and saw my arms I got little scared, they look horrible, a lot of bruises, I do not know how they got there but I am guessing the boxing... someone need to wear a longsleaves a couple of days. 


A walk next to the lake


Happy birthday D. He had been talking about kebabpizza since I came so when I saw the chips on the commercial  I knew I had to buy them for him and for dinner we had kebabpizza and for desert I had baked a "kladdkaka" with "polkagrisar". Not the best cake i made but the other once liked it. :)


Who can fit in a plastic bag? 


He got so many lovely flowers.


It is hard to turn 14, but the energy got back after some cake, this time with marsmallows and "mariannegrädde" (wippedcream with mint and chocolate flavor). Everybody want to see when the birthday boy take his piece of the cake. 


It is har to get a pic there everybody smile in to the camera. 


practise, practise..

A's and mine brunch yesterday. Freshly squeezed orangejuice, new baked scones, melon and te. Yummi!!

Ok, time to start the day for real. I wish that everybody that is sick get healty soon. "Krya på er!"

xoxo Sofia 

Av Karlsson - 22 februari 2012 21:42

What a great day I have had. So it is with a big smile I am going to bed.

My day ended up with a 2hour walk, scones for brunch, swiming in A's jazzuci, a walk to my house, a game of scrabble(I was the winner), cooking dinner(korvstroganoff och ris) and boxing. 

Butterflies butterflies....

This day ended really good too, so I look forward a new day. Tmw I have to go back and do some work.

xoxo Sofia

Av Karlsson - 22 februari 2012 07:56

Two weeks in Sweden has passed. The days goes fast and faster they will go when I get a job I guess. So it is time to relax, so taday I take a day off from my job applying, or I have a paper I need to send to the police so I will do that, but thats it for today.

I was suppose to see my brother playing soccer today, but he is still sick, so no soccer, me and A will take a morning walk, bake some bread(trying to be healthy) and just have fun together. Tonight it is boxing again, my body is so sore though. A is going with me today, her first time, I hope she will like it so she will join more times. But I will be suprised if she does not like it for it so fun and the guys are so funny. But that is my opinion now it is hers that counts.

Yesterday I had the meeting with my former boss, and I do not know how it went. I had a little bad day yesterday, I do not know why, but sometimes you have those days. But she said that she will call me back if there is something, so I guess I just have to wait. I do not like to wait though. haha.

Yesterday I visited my lovely dutch family. I missed them so much, I did not see the youngest so I have to go back soon to see them too. 

Time to get dressed and get ready for my walk to A.

Xoxo Sofia

(A note to myself, I have to fix my bike soon, almost no air in the tires. )

Av Karlsson - 20 februari 2012 08:09

I just sent away two more work applications. I havent heard anything from the one I sent last week, but I guess they wait until they got all applications. 

Today is monayu and that means new week and new things that will happen. This week feels like a good week, I have a bbig smile on my lips. 

Yesterdays boxing was really good and it feels good in my arms today. (little sore)

Todays schedule, power walk with Andrea, dentist, clean my room and boxing. Good day! :)

Yesterday was a rainy day so some of the snow is gone but today it iss cold again so I guess it is  very slippery outside, we have to be careful. That reminds me that it is time to get changed.

Have a great day my friends. 

xoxo Sofia

Av Karlsson - 19 februari 2012 11:00

Here is the scrapbook I gave to the family. Oh, I miss them so much!







Yes, this is some of my pictures from the year and some of the recipes that the family loves! 

xoxo Sofia


Jag är en 21 årig tjej som lever livet, dagarna spenderas med arbete, träning, vänner och pojkvän.

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Osby, Skåne, Sverige


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